Friday, October 10, 2008

Rexburg Opinion Center

Okay so I finally got a call back from the millions of places that I have applied. I swear I know my resume like I know my own hand. It is that familiar to me now. But anyways Rexburg Opinion Center called me back to come in for an interview on Thursday. Training begins next week... but the only downside is that I am going to be out of town on one of the days and you have to attend all 3 days at once. So I have to go for a different training time. Another one of the things that stinks is that you have to work one Saturday a month and I go to school on Saturdays so that isn't going to work. We will see how things play out right now. Hopefully I will have a job soon so that we can start bringing money into the home....

1 comment:

Aleese and Scott said...

Hopefully things work out with this job! Also we love the wii too, it is such a fun activity to do together. We also have wii parties with our friends it is a blast!